Given below is Ganesha Stuti. Please practice this sloka on a daily basis and get the blessings of Muzhu Mudhar Kadavul "Lord Ganesha:"
Ganesha Sthuthi
Om vakrathunda mahaa-kaaya /
Nirvighnam kuru may-dhevaa/
Sarva-kaaryeshu sarvadhaa.
You (Lord Ganesh), the one with the twisted trunk and massive body, with the dazzle and radiance equal to those of a million of suns, lead me on the path devoid of obstacles or hindrances, clearing the way in all that I do, ever and always
Agajaanana- padhmaarkam / Gajaananamaharnisham
Aneka-dhantham bhakthaa naam/ ekadhantham upaasmahe
The one who makes the lotus like face of Parvati bloom with happiness. He (Gajanana) is the savior at all times. He who has innumerable devotes, the Lord with the single tusk, let us all worship He who can bestow many boons upon us.
Om Gananaam Thwaa/ Ganapathighm havaa-mahe Kavim kavinaam / upa-mashra masthamam/
Hesgta-raajam / Brahmanaam Brahma-na-spatha aanaha-shrun-van-nothi-bhiss-seedha-saadhanam/
Om Mahaa Ganapathaye Namaha.
Om, Oh supreme lord of the great elements, the Lord of speech and knowledge, the Lord of food and sacrifices, the most famous and venerable, the seer and the knower, the one in the form of the Supreme Creator, we invite you to occupy the seat in our minds.
Om Ekadhanthaaya vidhmahe vakrathundaaya dheemahi.
Thanno dhanthih pracho-dhayaath
(This is ‘Ganapati Gayatri’ adopting the dictum of Gayatri mantra.) The one with a single tusk, praises to you, you are the great one with the twisted trunk, I invoke your blessings to motivate and guide me.
Vandhe niranthara-samastha-kalaa-kalaapam sampathkaram bhavaharam, girijaa-kumaaram
Lambodharam Gajamukham pranava-swaroopam Lakshmi-Ganesham akhilaa-shrita-kalpa-bhoojam!”
My salutations to Lord Lakshmi Ganapati, the one who is eternal, the on ewho is the origin of all action, the giver of wealth, the destroyer of obstacles and difficulties, the one who is the son of goddess Girija (Parvati), the one who has a large stomach, the one who has an elephant face, the one who is the physical form of ‘Omkara’, the one who is the giver of fulfilled wishes to seekers.
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